I'm off to Paris for a gruelling week of work. I'll miss you all dearly...and would appreciate some reciprocation!! (More comments pls. -what do you like, dislike).
I'm promising a full report with pics for all you lovelies upon my return. Unfortunately, this time the macbook is staying home.
Bisoux, The Glossy Editor.
PS. Below is my essential packing list...
1. ipod
Absolutely necessity. Will have Lily Allen's "Smile" on repeat.
2. Black TopshopBallet Flats
When in doubt...
3. A great book -
Any suggestions? This will be purchased at the airport literally on the fly...

My Fall splurge...I'm thinking with this bag it really doesn't matter what else I pack?!
5. Black over-dyed Denim Bird Jeans
V. rock n'roll.
6. Frugly Shoes
Courtesy of Zara - a great interpretation of Chloe's chunky lovelies from the Fall runway. They have somehow instantly improved my entire wardrobe. Seriously.
7. Grey Converse sneakers
My security blanket.
8. Grey Knit Beret
For either plane hair or rain hair.
9. Good under-eye concealer
Either MACor YSL or both depending on the trip.
10. My digital camera
So all the flavours of Paris can be brought to my lovely Glossy Readers!