Whine and a MoanTo quote Lily Allen - I'd like to have a little whine and a moan.
About what you might ask? About the fact that when I saw this hairy, shaggy bag it truly did nothing for me. Nada. In fact it may have in fact left me feeling a little flat.And then (this is now a full fledged couch session-confession) I saw it again - and it STILL did nothing for me! If it's possible - it did even less for me the second time than it did the first!Until (OMG can't believe I'm admitting this)...I saw THIS picture of MK carrying it (looking hungry according to Perez) and all of a sudden it seemed so rock n'roll-perfect-like-I-need-to-update-my-bag-immediately!!!
OK O'Glossy Ones - have I lost it??(Side note: Perez Hilton=guilty pleasure. Shhh.) Pics from style.com.