I don't know why I'm having such a hard time - I actually purchased a perfectly lovely black DVF number only to return it after feeling funeral vibes more than wedding vibes. And then I clicked over to the lovely Mrs Fashion's blog thinking she may offer words of wisdom...and I found her post about being over-dressed! Dear god at this rate I might need cocktails before the wedding.
So my dear Glossy One's - I turn to you! Quelle dress?
Dress #1 - Milly
Pretty. Looks like 2 pieces but it's not. Good day-to-night dress. May confuse my mother. (Is that bad?)

TOO pretty?? Like that it's black without being funeral appropriate. Edgy shoes might help? Mother would approve. (Is THAT bad?)

Sigh! Je l'adore! However...having it burned into eternity in the family album?? Not so sure.