For my lovely J, I once gave her Hanae Mori. For darling A - Lanvin. My sister; Narciso Rodriguez. The list goes on - my mother...mother-in-law...actually I may just be a serial perfume giver! (I suppose there are worse things?)
So all that being said, picture it: Friday afternoon - Paris - Colette - jammed with the usual fashion pack and so uncomfortably warm that I actually had no interest in staying. I was edging my way towards the door through the hipsters, when I spotted IT out of the corner of my eye. A NEW Prada perfume? Excuse me? How did this previously escape my attention? Infusion d'Iris by Prada. Perhaps the subtlest, lovliest thing I've smelt in a long time. It was apparently based on a personal scent that Miuccia had made for herself a number of years ago and now it has become her second perfume and my own personal scent too! Anyone else loving it as much as me?