10 thingsAs I stretched out languidly in the emergency row of yet another Southwest flight last night, I promptly fell asleep only to realize upon regaining conciousness that I was an inch away from leaning my head on the corduroy of some middle aged guy's shoulder and, even more terribly, that I had missed my opportunity to snag some ginger ale. Horrified at my narcolepsy and the awkward grazing situation it had produced, I swore off ever sitting in the middle seat again and decided to focus on staying vigilant and began to stare pointedly into space. This was just as uncomfortable so I decided to busy myself jotting down notes to at least make myself look busy. Inspired by an interesting thread on The Fashion Spot, I proceeded to make a list of 10 things about my style.
1. When out of inspiration, I always feel better with a sheer white T/statement skirt combo. Plus every girl I see out at night seems incapable of straying from the reverse uniform of jeans and "clubby" top, so it's fun to go the opposite direction.2. The last pair of quote unquote expensive sunglasses I purchased was in 2005. I still love them dearly but am beyond satisfied with my vintage sunny collection. Unless Tom Ford was to be factored in the equation, of course.3. I used to crave pin-straight Gwyneth in the '90s hair but now I'm glad my hair is rumpley and sporadically wavy.4. Accessories make the outfit. I love to wear a snore-inducing plain dress and tights with crazy bright heels and a vintage bag.
5. I am the only person I know that wears and loves armwarmers.6. I love big cozy sweaters and the process of defrumpifying them.
7. I'm seriously dying for a heeled oxford/sandal hybrid even though they sound absolutely horrific. While on the topic of desiring things, why is it so hard to find a skirt like this?
8. I own 3209372 pair of vintage boots and am perpetually one eBay search away from wanting 5000 more.
9. I would wear every single piece from Paulo Melim Andersson's fall '07 collection for Chloe. High waisted mirrored skirt, I need you!!!
10. I am shamelessly obsessed with the the Olsen's Traina-styled video for the Row.