Fashion Time   +  Inspiration

Geraldine Saglio
Geraldine Saglio, assistant to Emmanuelle Alt (I think), and winner of the Hottest-Girl-Ever-to-Never-Change-Her-Shoes award. She seems relatively conscious of the fact that her legs are her best accessory (what is that, a 50" inseam?), and therefore rocks the opaques like no other, favoring simple, loosely silhouetted tunics whose only risque factor is their micromini length. But, being the French Vogue-ette that she is, she also pulls off the monochromatic jeans ensemble like it's child's play, looking chicly '70s in the subtlest way manageable in her midrise flare/wideleg hybrids. Also appreciated is the giant hardware Balenciaga clutch (one of two styles in which I actually secretly desire the semi-obnoxious studs) and her simple canvas military-inspired jacket. I'm even going to admit that she's on the verge of inspiring me to break out the Levi's mini I made out of my brother's old jeans and wore to death in 2004. Dangerous territory indeed.

Pics courtesy of The Sartorialist and Vogue Japan.