Oh my god I look SO TIRED here. Because I was. Getting up at six sucks and makes me go home at 1 in the morning. But one of my best friends EVER from college is visiting who I have employed as temporary photographer. My favorite quality about him is that instead of making his sandwiches in the kitchen, he takes all the ingredients to his bedroom and makes it there. Just in case, you know. Plus, we both like okapis. He is incredibly sweet and almost too easy on the eyes (and can even pull off an argyle vest!) but his heart keeps on getting trampled on cause girls suck, I guess. Maybe he can advertise for a girlfriend (preferably in the LA area) on my blog, unbeknownst to him.
And I know I have been wearing the same things for the past week but I guess that's what I've felt like doing. This is apparently my new favorite dress to wear on Friday nights.
Dress, Kate Moss for Topshop. Jacket, H&M. Shoes, Forever21. Clutch, vintage.