I made sure to check out the Rogan line at Target this weekend..but..already highly combed over. I know, what?! Must have been released days earlier judging from the lack of selection/sizes. I did get to check this thing out..just as crazy as it looks online. Anyway, I moped on over to the dressing rooms with a couple measly items, including these jeans just for the heck of it. I've never liked any of the other GO International collaboration's denim but they seemed at least mildly promising on the rack. They, surprisingly, fit amazingly well, hugging the ankles tightly and practically screaming that they wanted to be friends with my Marc Jacobs boots. Or perhaps not so surprising, isn't denim what Rogan mainly does in the first place? Oh yeah.
I didn't really wear this since it was blazingly hot, so I just put together a simple look to photograph. Just saying.
Note: this is really hard to photograph and almost just as hard to see in real life too, but they have this weird/kinda cool/kinda don't know what to think about it leopard patterning on the sides. I like how invisible this is, and I suppose it doesn't really detract. Just...random.T, Urban Outfitters from last spring. Jeans, Rogan for Target. Heels, Nine West. Clutch, vintage.
Fashion Time + shopping