And my pretty photographer:
I love hotels. Things like unlimited quantities of ice, shiny revolving doors, card keys, and $10 trail mix make me happy. So when my beloved Caldwell booked a room for the weekend I was ecstatic and excitedly packed way more annoying accessories than I could ever manage to wear in such a short time. But man did I try. After a mimosa toast, we frolicked irresponsibly, indulged in bacon wrapped scallops (my newest ridiculous addiction), took millions of photos for no reason, and ended up at the drugstore buying more junk food than we could ever explain purchasing. Best weekend in recent history.
First set: H&M playsuit, Nine West wedges, Forever21 sunglasses.
Second set: Forever21 dress, Ralph Lauren blazer, Marc by Marc Jacobs boots, Target socks, Balenciaga bag.
Fashion Time + Inspiration