I do an immense amount of pretend shopping for my non-eBay job, which frequently results in me buying things I never would have otherwise (most recently: Kain tops) and discovering odd little lines, or, actually, big lines that I'm clueless about for whatever reason. I first noticed Iwona Ludyga's jewelry by way of the twig-inspired bracelet, it's organic design and rather delicate wood nymph-ish feel appealing to me so much that I would consider forgoing my usual armful of wrist-gear to focus attention on it. Further exploration turned up a gorgeous chain-linked double ring (please ignore the model's pretty scary talons), a horizontal horn necklace, and a couple well done scapular-inspired pieces (is it weird to anyone else that these are becoming trendy?). I just might try out the bracelet, but what I'm really irrationally lusting after is the Electric Feathers chain vest that Susie posted earlier this week...
Fashion Time + shopping