Short absence = WE GOT KITTENS. I am in love and have decided that they could be the solution to never being sad again. So my boyfriend and I spent the weekend doing all kinds of un-Rumi things like waiting for hours at the vet and wondering what kind of cat shampoos to buy. They are so cute I might die. Pictures to come.
Equally exciting, we are going to New York! From September 3-8 we will get lost all over the place in the city I've always obsessively fantasized about living in. When is the NY Topshop opening again? Any ideas for where I need to spend ludicrously? Cannot wait.
On the other end up the life spectrum, I got what should have been the easiest haircut ever (cut an inch off, fix what I did to my bangs..thanksss...) but the remarkably incapable girl ended up cutting my bangs so short they are no longer visually acceptable. Whyyy. This is probably the other reason I haven't posted in the past couple days, the wounds are still being licked. I foresee a lot of desperate pinning and braiding in the near future, along with the consumption of as many vitamins and supplements I can scrounge up so I can delude myself into thinking my hair is growing faster. Okay I will stop complaining now. I AM GOING TO NEW YORK.