I like the vibe given off by the past few seasons' offerings of intentionally rumpled, crumpled garments. They evoke images of just getting out of bed, or thoughtlessly putting your shirt on just after it comes out of the dryer, only it's deliberate. This nonchalance, or disheveled elegance is something that I admit, I have yet to master.
I fell in love with this crumpled Junya shirt the moment I tried it on at Joyce last summer.

The shape it took when I put it on, slightly stiff, slightly bulky, was something I have never seen before. The print, though subtle, spoke to the dandy in me.

Though I can say I have graduated from the loud, vivid floral prints of two years ago, florals were still a part of me and the shirt just spoke to me. And besides, in Manila's layering-prohibitive tropical weather, one gets a lot of mileage out of "statement" party shirts! I had very little time to shop that day, so without my most trusted shopping buddy's physical consent, I decided to take the plunge and get it.
On the same trip I bought this trompe l'oeil print shirt from a store called Two Percent, and when I started wearing it back home, I was disappointed at how quickly the material creased. So, inspired by my Junya shirt, I decided to crumple it!
Here's a simple how-to for those of you who would like to try it yourselves: 1. Twist the shirt tight from the collar down to the hem until you come up with a tight coil like this:

3. Unravel and you have a completely different garment!

This morning, against my tailor's orders, I had my double-breasted canvas blazer washed, and after it dried, I was pleased! Stiff and constricting gave way to soft and organic, and dare I say, French? I intend to wear it rumpled, just like this.