Fashion Time   +  Inspiration

Silver lining

Fruit of the Loom shirt, Topshop shorts, Zara boots, vintage bag, UO headband, OPI polish in My Private Jet.

Part two of the dirty boot series. After a brief (around ohhh 1 minute long) rain shower yesterday morning that got me all excited for the pseudo-fall, it was definitely depressing to face a 90 degree day today. Yes, even I have tired of summer and it's seemingly depleted wardrobe options. Luckily I was loafing around the house in my heart print romper and marabou heels like the infantile loser I am this afternoon for the delivery of my Topshop goods. Holey sweater = awesome, holey tank = also awesome, but the single whole garment I ordered is my favorite - silver painted shorts. Probably one of those pieces you have to force versatility upon, but I am prepared to take on the task. As long as weird old men at Trader Joe's stop whispering to me that they like my shorts when I'm innocently trying to yoink some crepe samples.

The boots I picked up at Zara in NY as a way to attempt to placate my mad desire for the Balmains that I've apparently been raving about for so long that Jak & Jil's Tommy dedicated his post of Anna Dello Russo's pair to yours truly. Thanks Tommy, the salivating hasn't quite let up yet. O Balmain gods I promise I would wear them with more than tiny shorts if I somehow was able to acquire! This fringe-less Zara pair need some help..I just may attack them with studs.

Thank you for all your sweet comments from the other day, things seem to be slowly re-aligning themselves. Plus I have a photo shoot for a magazine on Thursday that I'm having a great amount of fun agonizing over what to wear for. Send any ideas my way, it's just going to be one look so it has to be good.

Oh and to answer my top two most asked questions..I'm 5'7" and half Japanese, half Dutch and Scottish ;)