So here it goes,
1. Although I may look a little girly and weak, I used to play Volleyball, Soccer and was a co-captain of my Cheerleading Squad all throughout high school. Also this kind of falls into the asian stereotypes, but I know martial arts and yes, I've kicked a guy's butt. lol

2. I used to be in so much love with Sylvester Stallone untill he openely declared that he wanted McCain to be president. If he had'nt then I'd still be in love with him.
3. My favorite movies are My girl, Love Actually, Bridget Jones Diary 1 & 2 and my favorite actor is Colin Firth just because of the roles he plays. lol

7. I have a few tattoos and I've had 7 piercings before including my eyebrow.
I believe I'm suppose to tag 7 ppl to do what I've done, but I don't think it's just fair to do only 7 ppl since I would like to get to know more about everyone of you so feel free to write about 7 details about yourselves on your blogs! I was at school till 12am yesterday and I'm probably going to stay there till midnight once again so I shall hopefully see you guys tomorrow!Have an awesome weekend and party hardy for meeh!Love, Aimee