Project Accomplished: The Holiday CoatA little more than a month ago, I blogged about having a new jacket made for the holiday season. My self-imposed brief was for it to be "something I could as much wear with tailored pants and polished shoes at evening events as with vintage torn jeans and a striped t-shirt while Christmas window-shopping". I went for option three, the shawl-lapel tuxedo jacket, going for extra-wide lapels. I found the perfect rendition of the wide-lapel shawl-lapel jacket in a photo I found on ModeMan, so I decided to have the tailor pattern the lapels after that:EDIT: suit by Anthony Price for Topman. Thanks Gian! I've had the jacket for a couple of weeks now, but I've only gotten the time to post it now, so here it is:Owing to a little miscommunication, the satin lapels did not materialize, hence the result isn't something obnoxiously opulent for daytime shopping. On the plus side, this renders the jacket a little more wearable, which isn't a bad thing at all! I think the covered buttons, though, give it that little something special. And now, some more D90 fun. I had a thought of slightly channeling Junya Watanabe Spring 08. The air tie, I made it myself.random straw fedora, tailor-made tuxedo jacket and pants, Zara shirt, DIY air tie, CDG belt, Miu Miu laceupsThat's all, folks! Have a splendid New Year!