Fashion Time   +  Inspiration

Holiday Mode...
I’m so much in holiday mode right now and the goings on in the fashion and celebrity world seem like a distant universe. All that matters at present is floundering in my sisters pool, reading my book (I’ve been swept away by Stephanie Meyers Twilight series), and deciding what my next meal will be. God how I love being on holiday....

It’s back to reality next week though so I’m starting to do some casual web browsing, and a bit of magazine flicking. My outfit thoughts for January are definitely high waisted shorts and skirts with cute little singlets and Cami's. I have to admit that during my week of relaxation I did sneak out for a tad of shopping with my daughters and indulged in a bit of bargain frenzy at Diva purchasing various pieces of cute costume jewellery for between $3 and $5, got to love that (the sale is still on too...)

It's back to reality next week and it’s all hands are on deck for a new look “mylookbook” magazine which will be launching in February. I’m sorry to say there will be no January issue online, however I will be blogging regularly so any newly discovered style inspiration or online bargain will most certainly be shared.Casual Holiday StyleDiva Loot - almost everything in store is under $5 right now!