Fashion Time   +  Paris

slick streets

(vintage vest worn over vintage leather fringed motorcycle jacket, thermal top, Levi's shorts, Chloe boots, Givenchy bag)

Well I'm still going through our photos (and video footage) from Paris which are chaotically divided between multiple memory cards but here are some shots from our second to last day there. That morning I ended up running in the rain to get to a photo shoot for Elle France (leave it to Colin to snap that frenzied moment so artistically) with photographer Alex Isard. Thankfully he was as gracious about us getting uhm slightly lost on the way there as he was fun to work with. See me juggling my huge bag and my Macbook that they wanted in the shot rather unskillfully as Alex's assistant looks on.

I found myself wearing multiple pairs of tights to keep warm, this California girl is just as much of a weather wimp as you'd expect. Denim wasn't too helpful either since I seem to have torn gaping holes into most of my jeans. Buuut I'm gearing up for colder conditions again this Sunday when I fly out to NYC for another (secret for now) shoot that I'm really excited about. It seems spring has not yet arrived in New York? I'll be there sans Colin so I'll try to document as best I can...staying till Wednesday but my time isn't really going to be mine, which means I may not be able to get a glimpse of Topshop's long-awaited opening but you never know.

And thank you for the sweet comments on the last post, especially the ones about the hair..I'm inspired to play around with it a bit more now.