Nonetheless, as a last ditch effort to update this blog before a full week passes, I present to you my summer shoplist. The weather over here isn't getting any cooler, and most of the time, wearing anything above one layer is unbearably suffocating. Hence the need for clothing in light, breathable materials punctuated by details or accessories that add the visual interest that might have been lost due to the inability to layer. These are by no means pieces that will last you a lifetime, or investments that will never go out of style. But these will be my summer basics: easy, wearable stuff that I can build outfits on. Nothing too complicated, but detailed enough to be interesting.
FootwearThe colored shoe. Sometimes you just want to step out of the house in a crisp white top and the lightest jeans or khaki shorts you have. Slip on a pair of these brights and you'll have eyes zooming in on your feet. Chuckles of ridicule or sneers of envy? Be grateful for the attention!

The boat shoe. Extra-hefty soles provide that energizing shock of white that contrasts well with the sizzling gray pavement.

ClothingThe printed button-down shirt. Once a cornerstone of my style that I have since forgotten, the print shirt is making a comeback. The muted colors and the leaves whisper sleepy fifties suburbia, I cannot resist.

The crochet polo. What could be airier than a shirt with holes?

AccessoriesThe summer watch. When a leather strap is just too sweaty and a metal one is just too heavy, ditch the six-figure (in Philippine peso) timepieces for something that won't leave such a huge void in your humanity if you leave it at the beach.

The man-bangle. Minimalist, silvery, oozing with Margielicism.

The Linda Farrows. The entire blogosphere has long been buzzing about the various Linda Farrow collaboration sunglasses so I'll leave it to them. The latest pair she churned out in collaboration with Damir Doma evokes the same tone of enigma that rings through Doma's clothing line.

Now somebody please mail me a winning lotto ticket. Any summer items just throbbing at the top of your wishlists now? Do share!