White Pants + What Was I Thinking?I've long been a fan of white pants, but it has been hard for me to find a pair that fit well. See, white on the bottom is not the most flattering of colors, and it helps to have a relatively heftier fabric for structure and to hide the flaws. Now that they're kind of on-trend, I was happy to score this great-fitting pair at H&M.Philippine-made straw hat, Paul Smith scarf, Topman polka-dot shirt, H&M white pants, Hermes bracelet, penny loafers from Don Quijote
I love the deep, burnt orange color of the scarf and the swingy, shiny threads of silk that form the fringe.close-up of the shirt, scarf, and hat
In other news, I took a trip to the fabric store today and bought a couple of fabrics to be made into button-down shirts:What was I thinking??? English roses on a faint pink background in "peach-skin silk" and a black-and-white abstract square pattern in silk chiffon (don't worry, they're both washable), the sales lady must have thought I was shopping for my grandmother! Now to the drawing board to conjure up ideas on how to modernize and possibly butch these fabrics up a bit. Oh to be a frustrated designer.