DIY: The Multi-colored Whistle NecklaceMaking its rounds about the menswear blogosphere a few days ago, this multi-colored whistle necklace by Phenomenon (available for a rather hefty price of 86 USD at caught my eye. I thought to myself, pfft, I can so make that.whistle necklace by Phenomenon So I did. I purchased five whistles at the toy store and strung them through a silver ball chain lying around the house, most probably from an unused ID card. Total cost: USD 5.50.whistle necklace by The Dandy Project There were only four colors available in plastic, so I had to settle for a silver one in the center. It kind of makes it my own though, don't you think?
Here it is worn:vintage bowler hat, shirt by Comme des Garcons PLAY, DIY whistle necklace, Casio calculator watch, tailor-made black skinnies, Swear patent jazz shoes