Erika doesn't garner one look, she encompasses them all. I was lucky enough to steal Erika away for a few minutes to ask her some questions.
1. Thousands visit your blog for inspiration. Which blogs do you frequent?
I visit quite a few, if it weren't for bloglovin' I don't know how I could possibly keep up. These stand out right now: Inside Mode, Le Cheap c'est Chic, Amarillo-blogg, tumblr, Cartoon Styles, KnightCat, Little Plastic Horses!!!! Olsens Anonymous and Le Fashion Image.
2. Emergency!!!! You can only save 3 pieces from your wardrobe. What are they?
Sam Edelman ankle booties, Jewelry box, Cheap Monday skinny jeans.
3. Music! There's always an excellent selection playing at Fashion Chalet. Explain what you like and why.
Thank you. I pull from television series a lot, as well as my own personal playlists. I tend to be all over the map with music. Whatever has a great beat or lyrics attracts me to keep listening and grooving to a tune.
4. How do you go about styling your outfits? Where do you start?
I used to work around the shoes, but sometimes I'll work around a particular piece of clothing. It all depends on the weather and my mood. But usually I grab a piece; be it clothes or shoes and construct around that.
5. Favorite stores? And favorite things about each one?
Forever 21 best accessories and cutest shoes for even better prices. Urban Outfitters for up-to-the-minute trends. Nordstrom and Barneys for designer pieces to mix in with vintage. I also love thrift stores and vintage boutiques for the unexpected.
6. You twitter often about food, is it another passion? Why?
Yes it is. I took a Culinary class in between College and University and enjoyed it immensely. My two passions after fashion are cooking and learning new languages. So far I speak English, French and Spanish. As far as cooking goes, I'm better at cooking than baking. I dabble a lot in Italian, Chinese and seafood.
7. If you could invent your own clothing line, what would the collection look like? I've always envisioned something part Grecian with touches of Gypsy embellishments. Long, flowy pieces; yet airy in fabric. As for shoes, the more platform the better; and I would enjoy bringing the wedge shoe back in circulation.
8. To your readers, you would like to say:
I read all of your comments through email and always find myself giddy with excitement after a new post, just waiting to hear all of your feedback. I try my best to reply as often as I can. You guys are all what make taking photos in the hot sun more than worthwhile. I love you!!! Thank you. :)