This month I was particularly excited about the release of the WhoWhatWear Book by Fashion gurus, Hillary Kerr and Katherine Power. I’ve subscribed to their inspiring e-newsletter for a few years now and the book is a compilation of their clever style advice, personal inspirations & overall perspective on fashion.
The opening chapter talks about their secret style weapon, the ‘inspiration’ or ‘mood’ board, which is basically pasting photos, magazine clippings and pretty much anything that inspires them on a wall. Something that nearly every single teenager does to their own bedroom, and a habit I actually never dropped, although later (once married) I did decide it would be more appropriate to move my wall art to my office.
While browsing through this first chapter of WhoWhatWear, I started thinking about my own motivation & inspiration for creating I realised that Mylookbook is really just an extension of my own current mood board each month, pretty much a digital scrap book of what and who is inspiring me at exactly this moment, what celebrity looks motivate my own outfit creations and what fashion I find myself lusting after.
I guess I’m having a ‘moment’ right now after a busy week in Brisbane covering the Mercedes Fashion Festival in which Mylookbook was a Digital Media Partner. A huge opportunity for which I was extremely flattered by & excited to be part of. I’m continually overwhelmed that more and more people are reading Mylookbook each month & I have so many more ideas that I’ll be continuing to add over the coming months. Putting the magazine together is something I absolutely love doing so if you are someone who enjoys Mylookbook, please help it grow by telling someone else you think would enjoy it too.
I hope you enjoy the September Issue!