For those who were wondering, The Help written by Kathryn Stockett, is about Skeeter, a white woman trying to write a book about the life of African American maids who were not allowed to use the same bathroom as their white bosses(because white bosses thought that black maids had diseases), yet were trusted enough to take care of their white children. Aibileen and Minny are African American maids that share the narration with Skeeter. They help Skeeter write their stories about mistreatment, abuse and heartbreaks of working in white families' homes during the Civil Rights era. If you've read To Kill a Mockingbird, and loved it, you would definitely love this book. Although the morals of this book sounds very serious, this book in fact is very funny at the same time. Yeah, there are some dark moments such as a black man being beaten to death for accidently going to a white man's bathroom, but there are also a lot of humor and warmth in this book and is very easy to read and understand unlike my review... haha so sorry.
I'm really terrible at explaining things.