I was always the pink power ranger and fantasized about falling in love with the black power ranger.Ironically, one of my friends back in LA hit the actual black power ranger with her car in Burbank. Not sure which black power ranger though (I think there were two guys who played him)
- If I were to live in Kentucky, I would live in Morehead, Kentucky. =)
It's about an hour away from Lexington. - I wear a size 7 1/2 (although one of my favorite boots are a super small 6 1/2, and a huge 8 1/2)
- I don't have any bag that I'm particularly lusting after but do have a chair that I am lusting after which might be more than my monthly rent. I can't even really afford the knock off version right now. Although I am in desperate need for a new chair. (I am currently using my dining chair)
- I'm kind of, sort of, might be, very scared to be 23 right now.
- Natalia Vodianova will always be my favorite model thanks to her childlike looks, but Frankie Rayder used to be my favorite after I saw her Celine Ad when I was like 12. When my friends had Britney Spears and Back Street Boys posters, I had her Celine Ad on my wall. lol
- Don't watch Saw 6. It sucked.