Did you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving?Mine was the usual: KFC with the family since we don't like turkey and that's our lame tradition....I've always envied those with a big happy family like my boyfriend's.I come from a somewhat of a broken home although both of my parents are super loving and probably are the best parents who are also extremely stylish. lol
To be honest, I hate Thanksgiving. I hate any special holidays where you spend eating delicious food with your family because my sister and I only had each other when we were growing up and it was so boring. Nothing to do, no big meal to eat. Although we always had awesome friends who gave us leftovers. This year being Carol(thank you. We love you Carol. Your mom's the best cook!) Normally it's Sam aka Ham Shin who gives us his leftovers that he got from church..
My dad's brother passed away. Now our small family is even smaller. I went to a funeral for the first time and saw a dead person for the first time too. It was weird and sad. The fact that they're were only six of us was the saddest part. RIP 큰삼촌..I don't mean to write such a depressing entry but for those haters out there, and who think I'm a spoiled rich girl, now you know, I don't have it all.
On a brighter note, I watched Ninja Assasin, and omg, it was such a good fight movie. I watched it with my sister and 5 of my highschool homies including Ham Shin, and all the guys hated the movie but my sister and I loved it. I think they're just jealous. They have to be. Rain is so hot in this movie. I think I want to be a ninja. I do qualify since I'm part Japanese. hehe
Aimeeways you guys, have a great week & a happy and warm December!