(Zara henley, Stylestalker skirt, Target scarf, vintage clutch and cuff, Jimmy Choo x H&M ankle boots)
After a delirium-inducing 13 hour drive north we made it for a Whole Foods Thanksgiving with my family complete with two kinds of pumpkin pie, three kinds of whipped cream, and countless bottles of champagne. Totally worth the hell it was getting through LA and the sketchy gas stations bathroom stops along the way. The next day we had a room booked in downtown SF and tried to go Black Friday shopping..even though I can barely take the crowds on any given non-occasion. I came out one henley and a pair of shoes richer. Said shoes have become the source of much ridicule from my loved ones and made me limp from the blisters they've induced (one trip to Walgreens for no show socks and Band-aids almost made things right again) but I stand by them. Kind of the cracked out version of my vintage pair. More disturbing than my apparently horrifically ugly shoes, well maybe just funny, was the amount of people that started taking pictures of Colin taking pictures of me. This happens only sporadically in San Diego but the guys up here actually have the equipment along with the gall to wink at Colin as we run away. And run away we did.
Fashion Time + Inspiration