I was just interviewed by Francisco Piovesan for the Brazilian online magazine Mycool.

Can you explain what is “dandy” in your words? And how it fits in yourself or in your blog?A dandy is someone who is decidedly dressed-up, who appreciates good tailoring, and who pays attention to detail. A dandy enjoys taking on different personalities with his clothing choices, and isn't afraid to experiment.
When did you start thinking about fashion?I've always been into clothes and shopping, but I only got into fashion with a capital F when I became friends with Michelle of Chic Clinic in my junior year of college.
Where the inspirations for the DIY comes from?the runway, magazines, films, street style, or just random thoughts inside my head
Which is the favorite article of clothing that you already bought?My Comme des Garcons puffy toggle jacket is warm and is in a cheery shade of blue, perfect for combatting those winter doldrums.
How often do you travel to America? Whats your favorite place for shopping?I am studying at Boston University right now, so I'm based in the US. I love to shop in Harajuku in Tokyo, Le Marais in Paris, Oxford Street and Savile Row in London, and pretty much the whole of Hong Kong.
What was the most important thing that happened to you since you start blogging? It was because of the blog?I got featured in the lifestyle section of The Philippine Star, one of the Philippines' major newspapers, as one of the Filipino bloggers to watch out for. Having my friends and family back home see me in the papers and congratulate me for getting recognition for my blog meant a lot to me.
Can you tell us how is the fashion scene in Filipinas?Fashion in the Philippines, though highly influenced by the US and Europe, has an emerging pool of talented young designers who continue to produce impressive stuff. My favorite young Filipino designers are Melissa Dizon for Eairth, Bleach Catastrophe and Ziggy Savella.
How many pairs of shoes do you have?I have a lot of shoes, but I believe you can never have too many. Let's just say I have sizeable collections both at my apartment in Boston and at my home in Manila.
Who is your fashion icon?My mother who used to tell me, "It's always better to be overdressed than underdressed."
Who is favorite fashion blogger?I can't say I have one favorite, but Style Salvage, The Sartorialist, Robbie Spencer's blog, and Sea of Shoes are among my very very many daily reads.
The Dandy Project also made a tiny appearance in a recent issue of Candy Magazine, as Rosanna Aranaz' (of Little Miss Dress Up) favorite Filipino fashion blogger: