Currently Playing [Alicia Keys - Put it in a Love Song]
Nicol's blog has reached more than 200+ followers and she's doing her first giveaway of a box of 10 pairs criss cross false eyelashes. Those are amazing false lashes, I've used them personally and they are super comfortable and look very natural comparing to other ones. Definitely worth entering her giveaway. Check her out!
Enter here!

1) As promised, these are the garments that I purchased from "The Blues" collection from H&M. Jean jacket $19.95, boyfriend shorts $12.95, Men's denim shirt $17.95, Studded tweed blazer $34.95 & Men's shirt $14.95. I still can't believe how affordable everything was!
2) Sonia Rykiel x H&M lingerie
3) Where I have spend most of my university life: The Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts in York University
4) JL has a gundam obsession. Besides all his models, he also has a gundam keychain for his car keys. Sadly, RX-78 Gundam is no longer functionable.
5) Blue lights! JL bought this fan light laptop cooling pad for me on ebay.