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1) My eyes of the day. I only use the glue from Shu Uemura for my false lashes. It's the best glue I have tried so far. It looks like white glue but it dries clear. I also heard that they have a new type now that just came out, which is a black type of glue (Has anyone tried it yet? Let me know if you have!). I always buy the glue from Hong Kong when I go back, it cost less than $3 CAD for a tube that can last for a year.
2) One of my many sets of false eyelashes. These ones I find are more dolly-like. They are not as natural and more for special occasions rather than everyday wear. I hate buying lashes from Canada, they are so expensive and I find that there isn't much difference in quality. I also don't mind using synthetic lashes, I actually find them easier to wash and clean. I always stock up on a LOT everytime I go back to Hong Kong, or get them from Pacific Mall or you can even order them on Ebay. On average a box of 10 lashes only cost $3-5 CAD, which is very affordable! Ask me about my favourite Ebay sellers for falsh lashes. I know tons of sellers with all kinds of lashes.
3) Quo Jumbo Eye Shadow Pencil - I finally found an eye pencil that's just with sparkle! I love using sparkles on my eyes, it makes my eyes so much brighter and larger. I've been looking for one just like this ever since I finished the last one, which was over a few years ago. This one works really great for lining the bottom of your eyes. Thank you Sandy for telling me about this one.