Currently Playing [DBSK - Love in the Ice]

First of all, it's finally April and 25 degrees in Toronto this long weekend has left me wanting to dance in the sun! Second, I wanted to share with you guys another style of lashes from my collection. These ones appear more natural, while my other sets appear more dolly. I bought this set a while ago from Ebay, thus, there are only 4 pairs left. They are great for everyday wear and it's not as dramatic as most lashes, which is why I prefer to wear these ones more. If you are interested, message me and I can give you a list of sellers I know who sells excellent lashes on Ebay. Also, at very affordable prices! My contact is on the side of the blog.
My circle lenses are in Magic Black and I purchased them here. These are 14mm in diameter and are extremely comfortable. I usually like more natural looking circle lenses, such as black or grey because I find an Asain girl wearing blue/green/violet contacts a little bit strange. However, I've recently been convinced to purchased a pair of blue lenses. So I'll see how that turns out when they arrive in the mail.

My personal motto for fashion is that there are no dress-up days, there are only dress-down days. Maybe it's vain, but I believe in looking your best almost everyday. I'm one of those girls who walks around in heels on campus because you never know who you'll meet or run into during the day. Thus, I've been asked what I usually wear for a dress down day and this is an example of my "dress-down" days. A simple hoodie and a denim skirt requires no thoughts what-so-ever and it's so simple that everyone can pull it off. I'm probably wearing a pair of chucks with this outfit.
Ps, I finally saw Alice in Wonderland last night and I liked it a lot. I find Johnny Depp strangely attractive ; )