Having quoted to the media many times recently on how happy & confident she is in her body and the way it is naturally, she has become an inspiring role model for all women, sending the message to be grateful for what you have and try to focus on & embrace your positive attributes. Quoted as "not willing to deprive herself of life just to fit into size 2 (Australian Size 6), it's a message we should all listen to as many women keep on striving for this unrealistic so called perfection.
I believe Jessica has most certainly backed up her words by doing this photo shoot. With a debate erupting right now over whether she really is makeup-free and un-retouched, seriously, who REALLY cares? Why do so many people have to try and turn something intended to be positive into an un-necessary negative?
I'm definitely not against beautiful images of perfectly made up models & celebrities in magazines (I really enjoy looking them), however this constant media flood of either perfection, or criticism (when a celebrity is photographed in a slightly unflattering way), does end up leaving many of us with too higher expectations of ourselves, thus resulting in low self esteem and lack of confidence.
So having all seen photos of Jessica touched up to look like a perfect goddess, and now these photos sans makeup & perky cleavage, for myself, and being responsible for my own impressionable teenage daughters, these photos are a positive reinforcement of the many faces of physical beauty.
How about we try and accept our natural selves and stop feeling the need to cover up or alter what makes us the beautiful and unique individuals that we all are?