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After entering many giveaways, I decided to have one of my own as well to thank all my followers and readers. Thank you so much for all your sweet comments and for coming back to my blog days after days. I'm glad that my life is entertaining enough for you guys to read! Haha! So here are the amazing prizes, keep in mind that everything I'm giving away here are products that I've used before and I've liked/loved and that I believe in:

1) A set of 10 synthetic, crisscross false lashes. These ones I just bought recently on Ebay and they are even more natural than the other ones that I have. These lashes are shorter in the inner corner and longer in the outer corner. They are stunning on!

2) Air Brush false nails that I bought from Hong Kong. I love dark colour nail polish, so I thought I would throw this in the giveaway. These set of nails also have little flower designs on them as well and it also comes with the glue.
3) Revlon's spring collection nail polish in Peach Petal. I usually don't buy Revlon nail polish because they usually streaks, however, this collection has really changed my mind. After purchasing this and trying it on, I loved it! Thus, I decided to go back to Shopper's and buy another one for my giveaway. Now you can tell me what you think of it!
4) Red hair scrunchie because I love using scrunchies. I always put my hair up on the side with different colour scrunchies. I have this exact same scrunchie and I really like it. Hope you will too! (^____^)

5) Rimmel eyeshadow quad in 013 Sweet Smoulder. I'm a huge fan of Rimmel make up, therefore I had to include something from their collection. These colours are very bright and vivid, which I think is perfect for the spring season.
6) 3 Life brand face mask from Shopper's Drug Mart: exfoliating treatment with cream and honey, chocolate nourishing mud mask with cocoa and shea butters and detoxifying face mask with lotus flower and ginseng. Believe it or not, Life makes some very good face mask! I was hesitant to try it at first because it is from Shopper's, however, I was quickly proven wrong. I especially love the detoxifying one because it controlled my break-out really well. The chocolate on smells really nice and the exfoliating one keeps my skin very smooth. However, I do find them a little pricey because they cost $3 for one mask. =S

7) Finally a brand new Forever 21 scarf just because I shop so much from this store I had to include something from there.
1) Must be a follower. Click on the side bar "follow" button if you have not done so. I will double check to make sure that the winner is a follower of this blog just to be fair to everyone
2) Post an entry about this giveaway on your blog linking back to either this post or this blog. Once again, I'll double check this. Feel free to use any of these images on your post!
3) Comment on this post using this following format:
Blog URL:
URL for the post about this giveaway:
-This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY
-This contest runs from April 10 (12am) - April 29 (11:59pm) EST Toronto time
-The winner will be chosen randomly
-Questions? Email me at
Thank you for entering and ....