It’s not often (actually almost never) that I’ll be struck with instant excitement and be thinking ‘oh my god I have to have that’. I’ve never been one of those truly fashion forward girls who boldly wear those quirky and random combination's first (only for the rest of us to end up wearing the same thing 3 – 6 months later). I’m definitely a follower, spotting other people’s creations first and then if I like, I’ll proceed forward with caution to experiment with my newly discovered look.
This year at RAFW there was one particular trend emerging not only on the runway but also the fashionista filled streets. Be it tops, dresses, shorts or skirts, caramel coloured leather was subtly yet noticeably placing itself on the radar. It wasn’t in an extreme ‘THIS IS THE NEXT BIG TREND’ way, just obvious enough to take note, explore some options, and decide if we’re all going to be wearing it in the next 3 to 6 months.