Currently Playing [S.H.E - 說你愛我]

1) Hello Kitty eating a hawaiian pizza at Pizzahut. I thought that they Hong Kong Pizzahut wasn't as good as the Pizzahut in Toronto. Maybe that's because the pizza was less oily and less fatty. Haha!
2) The chicken fingers were suppose to be our starter. But clearly, you can see that it didn't arrive until we got our dessert. They had forgotten about our starter and gave it to us after we had finished out main course.
3) This was my reaction when the server told us that they had ran out of chocolate ice-cream. (Haha, I kid you not) Our dessert was replaced with these two very small cream puffs and they weren't even that good. As you can tell, dessert is my favourite part of any meal.
4) The lame cream puffs that were suppose to replace our ice-cream.
5) I was making fun of my friend who had recently grew a mustache. We all hated it and we all told him to shave it off. Haha, and yes, I did send him the photo just to rub it in some more.
6) Unicorn Gundam! haha!
7) JL immitating me.
8) North Point MTR station. I have never seen an empty and people-free subway station before. It was definitely a picture worthy moment. I'm pretty sure that we hung around the station for at least 10 minutes just to take some more photos. Haha!
PS, thank you everyone for all your comments that were concerning my health. I'm happy to say that after taking all those pills, my flu has completely been healed. I guess it was worth taking that many pills after all. Thank you all once again!
PPS, don't forget to enter my giveaway, which ends May 30 for Dolly Wink prizes. Follow the link on the side bar!