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1) Waiting to board AC 015 to Hong Kong. Left at May 3rd 10am EST arrived at May 4th 1:45 am EST. Sitting for 15 hours straight makes my bum numb. I only went with one suit case that has a week's worth of clothing, 3 pairs of shoes, 4 purses and close to zero accessories except for a pair of earrings. This means I'll be in desprite need of pretty much EVERYTHING when I get there.
2) My bed in Hong Kong, Hello Kitty my travel companion, my passport with a Kuromi cover, my boarding pass and my laptop with a Le Sport Sac cover. Though I feel blessed to have wireless internet access, however, the connection is so slow that it's close to impossible to upload photos.
3) No dryer in Hong Kong means that I'll be hanging all my clothes to dry. The moist condition in Hong Kong will definitely prolong the drying process.
4) The view from the 17th floor apartment window. I've been here for less than a day and I've already been greeted with the humid and foggy weather of Hong Kong. No exploring for today, only a dinner with family. I'm so tired because of jetlag, which means that my plan to not sleep at all on the previous night prior to the plane ride, failed epically.
PS, I promise to have a new giveaway posted sometime this week. I just need to figure out what I want to give away, so stay tune!