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2) JL attempted to take a candid photo of me as I was eating my crepe. However, because he took such a long time to operate my camera (and it wasn't even my Nikon D90), I already knew that he was trying to take a photo of me and I was trying hard to hold back my laughter.
3) It has been raining like crazy for the past few days in Hong Kong. JL had to buy this huge umbrella from 7-Eleven so we would both fit under it. I swear that umbrella can withstand anything.
4) Engrish worthy?
5) Though I've only had minor flu-like symptoms for the past 3 days, but look at the ridiculous amount of pills I had to take. Yes, you take them all at once: the instructions I got was to take one pill per package per every 4 hours. I swear, I've never taken that many pills of that many colours in my entire lifetime.
PS, don't forget to enter my giveaway, which ends May 30 for Dolly Wink prizes. Follow the link on the side bar!
PPS, I want to give a HUGE thanks to Kim for the Sweet Blog award! It must be because of all the sweet food photos that I've been blogging about lately! Haha!