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I miss the sun. It's been a month since I have seen a blue sky. Hong Kong's weather is so gloomy. The sun comes out in the morning, but by afternoon, clouds would have taken over the skies. This kind of weather is so unpredictable; I can never tell whether or not it'll rain, which means that you'll always find me carrying an umbrella in my purse. It's no wonder that my shoulder is starting to hurt from always carrying my purse on the left side.
This cloudy weather is also stopping me from seeing the rest of Hong Kong. I don't want to visit the Harbour Front or go to the Peak or go on the cable car until the weather gets nicer. It would be such a waste to go to the top of the mountain only to see a foggy cityscape. I'm going to be be praying hard for some clear weather for my remaining days in Hong Kong. It's still hard to believe that I have less than a month's time left here. Though I go shopping almost on a daily basis, why do I still feel like I have so much more stuff that I need to buy?