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1) As I had promised, I went back to take a photo of the store front. This is the store that I had mentioned previously in my last post where I got all my amazing false lashes from. I just went back yesterday and the box of 10 lashes were even cheaper than before. They were selling it for a mere $13 HKD which is less than $2 CAD for 10 lashes! That's pretty sweet huh? In order to get there when you're in Hong Kong, you can take the MTR to Mong Kok (旺角) station and look for exit D and get out of the side that says "Argyle Centre". Once you exit the station, you'll be able to see this store across the street. It's very simple and easy to find. However, keep in mind that the store looks more like a warehouse. It's not neatly decorated, but I guess that's how they can keep their prices so low.
2) I had talked to some of the sales there about other store locations and they were able to give me their business card. However, as you can see that the economy has not been friendly to this company. They only have 3 stores remaining. One in Mong Kok (旺角), one in Tseung Kwan O (將軍澳) and I'm not sure where the last location is.
3) These were the new lashes that I had purchased yesterday. They are by far the most natural looking lashes that I own. I think these are perfect for everyday wear and they aren't fancy. I really like them!
4) Other than false lashes, this store also sells plenty of comestic and beauty products. I picked up this 12 piece brush set for only $48 HKD, which is around $7 CAD. Can you believe how cheap that is? I know, the brushes are not the best materials, however, for this price I really couldn't pass it up since I only own like 4 make-up brushes in total. Surprising huh? I find that my finger tends to work better at blending eyeshadow than a brush. It's no wonder I still love to finger paint.
I really hope this helps some of you who are planning to visit Hong Kong in the near future look for some amazing lashes and beauty products. If there are any other questions, feel free to ask me! I'll try my best to answer all your questions!
PS, many of you have asked for the location of the Liz Lisa store from my last post. That specific store is located in Tsim Sha Tsui (尖沙咀). I had only find this one location so far of the Japanese brand. However, if you are really interested, both SOGO in Causeway Bay (銅鑼灣) and Tsim Sha Tsui (尖沙咀) carries this brand as well. However, the SOGO stores are not as big.