Fashion Time   +  Inspiration

alright tonight

(Forever 21 top and shorts, Wish vest, Miu Miu clogs, Alexander Wang Diego bag, hat borrowed from Kristin)

The rest of the outfit from a couple posts ago. Taken at my still very bare bones place in mom is promising to come bearing chairs. Which is about as far as I've gotten on the whole thing aside from dreaming of thrifting the perfect lamp (make that several) and coming to a screeching halt while driving by a garage sale to have them tempt me with a giant/awesome mirror (already sold..hey then take it to the crazy back already). Turns out I'm not terribly good at applying myself when it comes to interior design, aside from mockingly pointing things out as "key pieces" while shopping at stores that sort of intimidate me. Promise to post pictures whenever this stops being the case.

Aside from which..this bright blue top that ties in confusing ways makes me happy right now as does pairing black clothes and brown shoes.