Currently Playing [Shawn Desman - Shiver]

I love to get to know my readers. It's always nice to meet new friends and other fellow bloggers. So, tell me five things about yourself. I'll start:
1) I love ice-cream! I wouldn't say that I have a huge sweet tooth, but I'm definitely a sucker for ice-cream. Taro, Baskin Robbins' Cotton Candy and Laura Secord's French and Frosted Mint are my top 3 favourites.
2) I've kept a dairy since I was 6 years old, which means that I have accumulated more than 50 diaries that's underneath my bed in my lifetime. And yes, I write in it on a diary basis.
3) I don't know how to peel an orange with my hands even at the age of 20. I always had my fruits cut up for me when I was a kid, so I never bothered to learn. If I really want to eat an orange, I would take a knife and slice it up.
4) If I could marry anyone in the world, Kim Jaejoong from DBSK will be second on my list. (Of course, JL will be number one! haha! *roll eyes*) If you don't know who Jaejoong is, you must click here. What a stunner! ;)
5) My first job ever was working at Tim Horton's as a cashier when I was 16. I must admit, some of my fondest memories are from those days. I remember we use to throw doughnuts onto the drive through to see which car will squish them and the time when we use to lock my friend in the freezer when we had nothing better to do. Haha!
PS, don't forget to enter my giveaway, which ends July 30 for a Mac Viva Glam lipstick. Follow the link on the side bar!