Currently Playing ♫ [Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love]

I received another love package from my friend Mandy over at ♥ PINK DOLLY ♥. She's a blogger from London who's blog shares her "passion of makeup, fashion, nature and all the things I love". She's super adorable and cute and she also has a Fujifilm Instax Mini 7S, just like me! Except, she has the limited edition Hello Kitty one, which makes me even more jealous! Here are the goodies that she send me during our beauty swap:

She send me a blush (she knows how much I love using blush!), a green duo shadows (so sad that the darker colour broke during the shipping process, but don't worry, I'll use it as pigments!) and a mascara from Natural Collection. Then a Wild Curls eye kit, which comes with a mini eyelash curler and mini tweezers. She also send me a mud face mask that's really good for oily skin. I have never tried a mud mask before, so I definitely can't wait to give it a try!

She always wrote me this really sweet letter on kawaii papers! She's so adorable! What a sweetheart! <3
PS, don't forget to enter my giveaway, which ends August 31 for The Brush Guard. Follow the link on the side bar!