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I believe that it was over a month ago when Serena from serenadeveryday decided to do a beauty swap. It was actually the first swap for the both of us. Here are all the goodies that she picked up for me from the States. I still can't believe how she took the time and effort to wrap everything up for me! I know that she has been super busy but she still took the time out of her busy schedule to do this for me. I feel extra special! Thanks Serena!

ELF Super Glossy Lip Shine SPF 15 in 2806 Pink Kiss, ELF Studio Blush in Tickled Pink and Candid Coral. These are actually my first ELF comestic products. I have never purchased anything from the website because I always find that the shipping to Canada is quite expensive. Thus, thank you for buying these for me! I can't wait to do my reviews of them.

Next, she got me these Revlon Super Lustrous Lip Gloss in Coral Reef, Pink Pop, and Lilac Pastelle. Serena actually had to go to a few stores before she could find all the colours. I believe that these are the special edition colours and thus, they have not been available in Canada. At least, not in Toronto. I tried looking for these everywhere and I couldn't find them. If anyone knows where I can get these shades in Toronto, please do tell me! Serena, thank you so much for getting these colours for me. I'll definitely tell you how these will look on my lips.

Last but not the least, she got me candies! Of course, I'm such a junk food addict, she send me a raspberry flavour Kit Kat, milk candies and also my personal favourite, Matcha candies. These are so yummy that I have already consumed 2 of them. I have no self-control what-so-ever when it comes to sweets. XD
On a random note: failed kitty? So cute! XD

PS, don't forget to enter my giveaway, which ends August 31 for The Brush Guard. Follow the link on the side bar!