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Photos from last Tuesday's BBQ at a local park with JL and two of my friends. We decided to do a Hong Kong style BBQ, which consisted of the stable foods such as chicken wings, red sausage, fish balls and of course, honey to glaze over all the food. Even though the sun was blazing in our eyes, the temperature was pretty cool especially when the sun started to set. It took us almost an hour just to start the fire and it'll be another hour before we actually started to eat. Not having enough charcoal meant that it took almost two hours to fully cook the chicken wings. We were all still hungry when the sun had fully gone down, at which point we decided to continue the bbq at my friend's back porch where she has a gas stove. The moon was especially big and especially pretty that night. The best part of the bbq was making Jiffy Pop over the fire. I don't know why but the sound of popcorn popping and the smell of fresh popcorn always bring so much excitment.
PS, don't forget to enter my giveaway, which ends TOMORROW for The Brush Guard. Follow the link on the side bar!