As time goes on I'm finding that one of the most amazing aspects of being the editor of my own magazine is being given the opportunity to sample new products.
I still love shopping and I'm happy to hand over my hard earned cash for something I love, but I must admit it's pretty damn exciting when packages of goodies are delivered to my office. Lately I've not only been feeling totally spoilt but also extraordinarily flattered that people value my thoughts and feedback on their products.
So, because of this very cool position I happen to be in, I've decided to start a regular blog post to share with you some of the products that I've been lucky enough to try, wear, read, play with etc and let you know what my absolute personal favourites are.
I'll start with making the declaration that I love perfume. It's the one thing I've never felt an ounce of guilt over purchasing. When shopping for clothing, shoes or accessories I often have those thoughts of "is it worth the money, will I get the wear out of it" etc etc... These thoughts NEVER enter my mind when discovering a new fragrance. If I get a whiff of a magnificent perfume and fall in love with it, I just know that it's worth every last cent I have.
There are a few different fragrances sitting on my vanity right now, Gucci Flora has been a firm favourite for quite a while now. I was ready to purchase another bottle of it as I'm down to my last few spritzes however this week I was sent the new Gucci Fragrance "GUCCI GUILTY".
It was pretty hard to contain my excitement during the entire process of unwrapping the spectacular packaging, finally revealing a stunning gold bottle with those unmistakable interlocking 'G's' . My excitement peaked when spraying my new Gucci and discovering I have yet another new favourite fragrance. The smell is an oriental floral scent, seductive and feminine, I was swept away instantly. Love at first smell.
Gucci Guilty will definitely be one of the fragrances I'll be purchasing from now on. Available from October, some exclusive stock has been sent to Myer and Gucci boutiques around Australia. I suggest if your in the market for a new fragrance, track this down and try it! The stockist number is (02) 9695 5678

I've mentioned my love of Dermalogica products in this month's issue of Mylookbook. I hadn't yet tried their tinted moisturiser though and after finding out that gorgeous Lisa Chedanne (designer and owner of Lilya) uses Dermalogica's Sheer Tint Moisture daily, I was desperate to try it. I'm very happy to say that it will now be a essential part of my own daily beauty routine. The Sheer tint is light weight, gives a minimal but nice amount of even coverage and has an SPF of 15. Love it.

I'm almost halfway through 'Juliet' by Anne Fortier. I won't write too much about this as I believe it's best to start reading a book without any preconceptions (I don't even like reading the back of books), I'll just say that every night for the past week I've been happily whisked away to Siena for an hour before going to bed and I'm thoroughly enjoying my escape.