Happy DollyweenHalloween is one of my most favorite times of year - on what other holiday can you abandon who you are for a day and become someone completely different? For a dreamer like me, Halloween is an answer to my prayers. I think about my costume for months, brainstorming ideas and trying to pick out in my mind different pieces of the costume I already have in my wardrobe and which pieces I have an excuse to run out and purchase. For some, Halloween is just an excuse to dress up like a dimestore hooker in a store-bought complete costume set (dignity not included). But what's the fun in wearing polyester undergarments and wobbling around in stilettos for an entire night? Instead of the typical Halloween fare, I invite you to celebrate 'Dollyween' with me (well, not with me-with me, but as much as can be over the internet). Dollyween is incidentally the same night as Halloween, but instead of dressing up as a 'sexy bumblee' or a 'sexy librarian' or a 'sexy (enter any occupation here)', we will dress up as 'sexy' Hitchcock heroines, cult favorite characters, and various mad men and women. For the next two weeks, I will post my favorite costume ideas for Dollyween. Please, please, please feel free to post your own costume ideas or send me photos from your favorite Halloween outfits from years past. Any 'sexy' insects need not partake.