Currently Playing [Taylor Swift - Dear John]

I feel like I've been so MIA lately because I've been updating every other day rather than on a daily basis. I know, I know, to some bloggers that's still a lot! But tt's weird because I always find the time and manage to blog everyday. Don't get me wrong, I do have a super tight schedule with school, work and life, however, it's become a habit of mine to set an allotted time of my day just for my blog. I don't think I've ever had a day where I didn't feel like blogging about my day or writing reviews. But this may change in the next two weeks; I have 4 papers, one painting and one exam in the next 2 weeks. I'm ready to drop dead at any moment now.(>___<")
On a happier note, I received another blog award from Elisa Lee. She gave me the "One Lovely Blog Award". It's so sweet of her to think of me for this award! Thank you so much hun ~