Currently Playing [Rihanna - Only Girl in the World]

A little while ago I received this lovely package from Nicol ( all the way from UK. Nicol is a beautiful and talented makeup guru from UK. Do go check her blog out if you have not done so! (^__^)
I had to take a photo of the package because I thought even the parcel bag is so much nicer than the ones from Canada. Haha! I also love the fact that the post office company is called Royal Mail. It just sounds that much cooler than Canada Post! Haha!

We did a beauty swap of things that we can't get in our country. I got her stuff from Sephora and she got me some makeup from Sleek Makeup, which are only available in the UK! She got me the Storm and Acid Palettes. I was so eager to get the palettes because I've heard such amazing reviews of them! She also included the ink pot gel eyeliner as well. I will try my very best to get these reviews up ASAP!

This is the Storm i-Divine Palette. My first impression is that the packaging is so beautiful! It really is sleek with the black packaging. I love it! I wanted this palette because I think it'll be perfect for everyday wear. These colours are really workable and I can see that they go well together.

This is the Acid i-Divine Palette. These colours are much brighter than the previous palette. It has some neon colours that I'm super excited to test out! The neon green and yellow is LOVE! Yes, I love bright shadows too!~ On a side note, one of the shadow was crushed during the mailing process. I've already emptied it out and put inside a little pot. I'm going to use it as pigments. No need to waste a good shadow!

Finally, this is the Ink Pot, waterproof gel liner in black. I haven't gotten the chance to swatch this product yet, but hopefully I'll pick it up sometime this week. I can never have too much gel liners.
One last thing, if you want to try Sleek Makeup as well, you can contact Nicol directly. She takes order on Sleek Palettes and then she'll mail it to you. She charges $19 for each palette which includes shipping! And she ship worldwide! It's a very good deal! You can fill out a form here!