I fell in love with the jackets. The materials are luxurious, the detailing elegant, and the shapes refreshingly relaxed. They are all featured in his online store's second floor, where you'd find pieces of a higher price point than the jeans, t-shirts, and accessories on the first floor.

I had a little chat with the designer, and discovered a slightly quirky character behind the almost stately, sober clothes he makes:
The Dandy Project: Tell us about your move from Poland to Sweden. How did it shape your aesthetic as a designer? What parts of your style are from Poland and what parts are from Sweden?
Szymon Zurn: Hmm, tough question! I think there is a soulful, don't-give-a-f*** type of aesthetic in my Polish roots. And at the same time, an elegance that goes back to Poland's rich history before the First and Second World Wars. On the other hand, Sweden taught me more about the importance of having good brand communications and discipline in business. My need and desire to be better was born in Sweden.

TDP: Who are your favorite designers?
SZ: Gabriele Pezzini is a role model, as a product developer.

TDP: Who wears your clothes?
SZ: An aspirational person. A person of great wealth. Strong. He is tomorrow's success.

TDP: If you were to design a piece for The Dandy Project, what would it be?
SZ: A piece for the Dandy Project would be a jacket, which would have a feeling of a Birkin bag, with a golden clutch and details in gold, in a egg-shell-white leather, soft but with a streamlined fit.
TDP: What is your favorite food?
SZ: Polish pickle soup with a nice, fresh piece of bread. My mom's pickle soup of course!

Szymon Zürn's website and online store