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I recently received a comment from a reader that has stuck me in some ways, stating that he/she is beginning to lose interest in my blog because my blog is slowly being consumed by product reviews posts rather than fashion posts, since it’s supposed to be a fashion blog. I really appreciate that this person was completely honest with me and truly had my best interest in mind when he/she said to bring the "old" Emily back. I guess it's time for me to do a little explaining because I feel like I owe at least this much to the reader and to you.
When I first started blogging, I had every intention to make a fashion blog because I have such a huge passion for fashion. However, that doesn't mean that my love for makeup and other beauty products was absent. No, my passion for makeup had started way before this blog was created. I had wanted to create a fashion blog at first because that was what I had been exposed to at the time.
However, as I started to write and get exposed to different blogs, I started to notice a similarity. Blogs, in most cases, are either in one category or another but rarely in both. Why must a blog be strictly a fashion blog, a beauty blog, a personal blog, a photography blog and so on? Why must blogs be placed in one category? With that in mind, I stared at my closet and at my drawer that’s filled with makeup and thought, screw the categories. I love fashion and I love makeup, so why do I have to be torn between them? Ultimately, I want this blog to be me and if I love both fashion and makeup, then my blog should be a reflection of this. So in short, that’s why I started to post entries about makeup, skincare products, hair goods and so on.
Also, I understand that lately I've been terrible at keeping the balance between the two and therefore, I’ve been focusing more on the beauty aspect of my blog. For that, I'm truly sorry. The reason why my outfit posts have been lagging behind is solely because of the cold weather. I'm still searching for a place to take outfit photos indoor where I can get my full body because hey, the shoes complete the outfit. However, my house doesn't have a sufficient amount of space so it’s really frustrating because it's starting to snow. But I promise that when I do find a large indoor space or when the weather is not bad and I can brave the cold, I’ll force JL to take photos for me. Believe me, I lug my D90 to school everyday.
Lastly, I want to say THANK YOU to every single one of you who continues to read my blog on a regular basis. I appreciate all the comments and suggestions that you have to give and I value what you have to say. Sorry for being so longwinded and I hope this makes thing a little clearer. Always, THANK YOU, THANK YOU & THANK YOU!