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The sale started right at 10am and people inside were already pushing and shoving. Honestly, it's ONLY makeup and I feel like the girls inside were taking it a little too seriously. People were cutting in line, yelling at each other and just being plain rude. At one point, I felt terrible for the people who have to work there.

If items were not in bins, they were on tables like these. You can swatch the samples and then write down the number of item that you want. After that you can take your number and bring it to another line where they will get the items for you. This is a pretty effective method because it not only prevents people from stealing but it's good at managing the crowds. But the mess was horrifying. Tissues were everywhere, paper and pencils on the floor and it was just a total nightmare. I wasn't completely happy with the prices either. $10 for lipsticks, $15 for blushes and $12 for ONE eyeshadow colour seemed a little ridiculous to me considering that the colours and collections are old. The prices also went up from the previous sale.

1. Bobbi Brown Hydrating Eye Set $25 (Retail price $45 USD) - I would consider this the best purchase of the day because the price was much lower than what I had expected. There's a long story behind how Joyce and I had to rampage around the buildings to find the price of the last 2 boxes but I'll save that story for another tine.
2. Bobbi Brown Cleansing Oil 2 for $30 (Retail price $45 CDN) - Very excited to try this cleansing oil. I had wanted to get the MAC one as well, but the Bobbi Brown one was the same price and it was larger, so of course I would chose the Bobbi Brown one over the MAC one.

3) MAC Fix+ Rose $12 (Retail price $22.50 CDN) - I haven't tried this product before and since Joyce was overly excited to tell me about how great this product is, I decided to give it a try. I do have the Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray, so I'll see how this MAC on compares. Of course, I've heard that this Fix+ is quite multifunctional.
4) MAC Eyelashes $4 each (Retail price $16.50 CDN) - The last sale they had lashes for $3, so the prices have definitely went up. The outer corner lashes reminded me of Dolly Wink #4 so I wanted to try these out. I still find $4 for a single pair of lashes to be quite pricey. I'm so use to those Korean/China box of 10 lashes! Haha!

5) MAC High-light Powder in Spectacle! $15 (Retail price $32 CDN) - Limited edition Dame Edna Collection, pale soft pink & lilac colored mirrored compact = SOLD!

6) MAC Look In Box in Frisky Girl $40 (Retail price $71.50 CDN) - I had almost missed this box set because it wasn't placed out yet the first time I walked around the room. Luckily, I went back and forth through the buildings and notice this box set towards the end of my visit. Love it!
Overall, I would only go back to the sale for the Bobbi Brown items. Like I said before, I'm not a huge fan of MAC Cosmetics to begin with, I just had a few items here and there. Plus, I would take Japanese cosmetics over MAC cosmetics any day! (Of course, that's just my opinion) I'm more interested in all the Bobbi Brown items that they had even though there were hardly anything. I was sad that they didn't carry the Bobbi Brown Oil Control Lotion that I had wanted or a lot of Bobbi Brown cosmetics. Regarding the Charity Bags and the Free Item (it was a MAC Nail Lacquer from the Tartan Tale Collection 2010 in Nocturnelle), you can read about them on Joyce's post here. I will be getting some of the items back from her, but I just haven't decided on which ones I want yet. O(^___^)O
This MAC Warehouse Sale runs from Friday December 3rd to Sunday December 5th, 2010 at Markham Fair Grounds, 10801 McCowan Rd (Elgin Mills/McCowan Rd)